I has been working in my part of my spare time ( a lot lately) in an application template for web.py. I just started this because i wanted a python web framework that let you write some code. So, i just this very nice piece of python, web.py . Well this small project is the app-template that I'm using right now in a small web project, I think this starter app is scalable enough to have a pretty big website using it.
Directory structure.
|-- app.py ................................ Starting point, development web server.
|-- model ................................ Model classes
| |-- BaseModel.py ................ Example.
|-- pages .................................. Your web pages -- python way
| |-- __init__.py
| `-- public
| |-- index.py
| |-- __init__.py
| |-- user.py
|-- service ............................... Web services
| |-- auth.py
| |-- __init__.py
|-- static ................................... Static files.
| |-- css
| |-- images
| |-- js
|-- templates
| |-- layout.html
| |-- public
| | `-- index.html
| `-- user
| `-- index.html
|-- urls.py .............................. URL mapping
Download: https://github.com/pepetrujillo/web.py-starter-template
[Spanish version: http://33notas.blogspot.com/2011/01/webpy-template-de-aplicacion.html]
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